Screen Candidates Smarter
Real-time checks ensure nothing is missing
Product of the day
Product Hunt
#1 Product of the Day
Y Combinator
backed by
Y Combinator
Automatically checks candidate documents as they're uploaded, giving applicants instant feedback on what needs fixing.
Speed up candidate processing, eliminate incomplete submissions and reduce manual verification workload.
Free up your team from repetitive document checks.
Seamlessly integrates with your existing forms and workflows:
Works Where You Work
Keep using your favorite tools - we just make them smarter


For HR Teams:
  • 95% reduction in document review time
  • Instant requirements feedback to candidates
  • Focus on interviews, not paperwork
For Candidates:
  • Immediate application feedback
  • Transparent requirements
  • Reduced processing delays
Make your forms smarter today
with Beau
Join companies that have automated their document verification and eliminated submission errors from their forms